Rare Annular Solar Eclipse is Going to happen Tomorrow(June-21, 2020 ). Solar Eclipse caused when Moon shadow falls on Earth. Tomorrow solar Eclipse will happen for 6 hours while on each region or country it appear only 3 hours this due to rotation of Earth and Moon.
Always Solar Eclipse are Dangerous to see with our Naked eyes, We need to use filtered Glasses to see or Please reach to your nearest Planetarium. This Solar Eclipse Visible on Some Parts of Africa – Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia and Asia – southern Pakistan, northern India, and China.
Next Solar Eclipse will happen on June-10 2021. While this will visible on North America, Atlantic, Arctic and North/West Africa.
Eclipse time – India: 9.15 AM to 3.04 PM (Total time to cross over the India)
For detailed Solar Eclipse animation please visit the following Website- https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2020-june-21