The James Webb space telescope took the picture of the Jupiter in July.
Astronomers have described as incredible Picture of the Jupiter ever because images show auroras, giant storms, moons and rings surrounding Jupiter.
The Infrared images were artificially coloured astronomer Imke de pater of the university of California who played an important role in this project.
JWST is an International mission led by the Nasa along with ESA and Canadian space agent .
Nasa Said that view of Jupiter created from composite of several pictures from the telescope , Auroras extended to high altitudes above the northern and southern poles of Jupiter.
The Great Red Spot a famous storm which is so big (16350 km), appeared white because of reflected of sunlight.
The JWST was launched in December 2021 and it currently placed about 1.6 million km from Earth.
OSIRIS-REx HomeComing
Osiris- Rex satellite is returning back to earth from Benu Asteroid .
Osiris -Rex is the mission to collect the sample from the Asteriod Benu, this mission launched in September 8 2016 from Florida.
In August 2018 it has approached Benu and following month we can see the clear picture of Benu. After serious of flights around the Benu, scientist spotted the best place to take the sample and in October 2020 satellite touch the Benu for the Brief moment and collected the samples .
After the collection of sample from Benu, satellite moved to safe distance and sample was safely sealed. The mass of collection sample might be between 60g to 2000g.
On October 22 2020 Osiris-Rex Departure from benu orbit and continued its journey to Earth.
Rex will returned to earth by Sep 24, 2023. When satellite reached the earth orbit it will release it capsule and that will safely fall into the Utah desert.
Benu Discovered in 1999 and its radius is 262 m. Benu is confirmed potentially hazardous asteroid and we have chance of 0.037 hitting the earth between 2175 to 2199.
For Detailed information please visit Nasa Website Link as follows :
Hubble 31st Birthday Gift to US
Hubble Completed is 31 years of journey in Space yesterday – April 24.
During this Day Nasa Goddard YouTube Channel Published the Video about Image taken by Hubble on its 31year of completion in space.
Hubble captured the Wonderful Image of Exploding Star AG Carinae which is 70 times massive than our Sun.
Its Shinning Brilliance Light is equal to the million of our star brightness.
This Sun was Exploded 10000 years Ago so we can see the Halo of Gas and Dust Around the Star center mass.
This Nebulae Covers about 5 Light Years of distance from the center of its Sun .
Hubble Once Show us how the Stars are so Powerful and breath taking to watch. Every Elements in universe except hydrogen and helium are formed by sun and during its explosion.Hubble Deep Field Image is still one of wonderful image taken by Hubble this day. This image is consists of 10 days of exposure of Hubble in particular direction in space from December 18 and 28, 1995. This image shows how big was our universe every dots in that Picture is a Galaxy. Using this image we also find the old light of our Universe which is less than billion years from birth of our Universe.
Official Post :
Credits: NASA, ESA, STScI
The Great Conjunction
The Great Conjunction is name given to the two Mega Planets in our Solar System come together to form large star in the night sky. These two Biggest Planets are namely the Jupiter (largest planet) and Saturn (second largest planet).
Today 21 December the we can the see this event in the night sky . We can see the planets at southwestern sky. We can see this event without any eye protection.
Dr. James O’Donoghue Planetary Scientist at Jaxa has tweeted the timing for great conjunction.
- Los Angeles: 09:43
- New York: 12:43
- Rio de Janeiro: 14:43
- London/UTC: 17:43
- Paris/CET: 18:43
- Istanbul: 20:43
- Dubai: 21:43
- New Delhi: 23:13
- Tokyo: 02:43 (22 Dec)
- Sydney: 04:43 (22 Dec) (+/- minutes; )
This Post picture is taken from Nasa official Solar System webpage. This is the static image but in the Nasa official Planets Page we can we see the live tracking of all the planets in our Solar System . This animation will tech us how our Planets are moving in our Solar System. If we search for particular planet we see the closer look of the planet and we can see the solar system from that planet point of view.
The official Nasa Solar System :
These two planets align every 20 years , but this the closest alignment since July 16, 1623 , 397 ago.
You can track the planets with your phone using the Sky Map . This App was created by Google:
Our Sun next Solar Cycle
Our Sun next solar cycle started on Sep2020.
Solar cycle happen every 11 years. This solar cycle calculated based on minimum and maximum solar activity. During this period the sun flip the magnetic field from north to south so these leads to heavy solar activity and when sun reaches it peak activity we can see many Sun spots.
Sunspots are usually black in color in visible light, but when we see the Sun in ultra violet wavelength we can see the intensive magnetic field activity .
Why we need to monitor the Solar cycle?
During the Sun’s peak active period large amount of coronal mass ejection will happen , so during this time it will directly affect the earth and heats up the earth atmosphere that will cause damage to electric transmission , pipelines ,communication towers and satellites. Also this huge radiation affect the astronauts in space station.
So Continuous Monitoring will help us to understand pattern of the peak solar activity , Using that we can prevent the electronic equipment by turning off the device during the peak solar period. Also we warn the astronaut not to do the space walk during that period.
Usually peak solar activity happens in middle of the solar cycle. Last one happen at 2012.
This information Updated by Nasa on Sep18 and followed by they Published the video on YouTube. Please check the following link to view discussion between the solar experts:
note: Last major corona mass ejection happen at 2012 and we detected this event only after 9 days from the event.
Ligo and Virgo detected largest black hole merger
Perseid Meteor Shower
How this Meteor shower occurs?
Our Sun Closest Image
Esa Solar orbiter sends the closet image of our SUN. This orbiter launched in FEB 2020, Last month it sends numerous picture of in close proximity.
These images are taken by solar probe at 17nm wavelength which is the Extreme ultra violet wavelength in Electromagnetic spectrum. This reveals the upper atmosphere of SUN which is named as Corona. These corona will have the temperature ranges from 1 million degree Celsius to 2 million degree Celsius.
This analysis are taken on MAY30, 2020 during this time solar probe roughly halfway distance between the sun and earth.
Neowise Comet Going to be visible in India.
Science last week
Video link:
World meteorological organization released the new record for longest lightning , On June 26, WMO released the information that using satellite lightning imagery technology scientist observed the single lightning flash covered the distance of 709 km across southern Brazil on 31 oct 2018.
Also they released the data for longest duration of single lightning flash for 16.73 seconds over northern Argentina on 4 march 2019