Solar Eclipse 2020

Rare Annular Solar Eclipse is Going to happen Tomorrow(June-21, 2020 ). Solar Eclipse caused when Moon shadow falls on Earth. Tomorrow solar Eclipse will happen for 6 hours while on each region or country it appear only 3 hours this due to rotation of Earth and Moon.

Always Solar Eclipse are Dangerous to see with our Naked eyes, We need to use filtered Glasses to see or Please reach to your nearest Planetarium. This Solar Eclipse Visible on Some Parts of Africa – Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia and Asia –  southern Pakistan, northern India, and China.

Next Solar Eclipse will happen on June-10 2021. While this will visible on North America, Atlantic, Arctic and North/West Africa. Eclipse time – India: 9.15 AM to 3.04 PM (Total time to cross over the India)

For detailed Solar Eclipse animation please visit the following Website-

Young You tuber explains about Science and Research

Toby Hedy Physicist and Mathematician from Australia currently running the Youtube channel Tibees. She currently have 3 lakh subscribers. Her channel gives us next level experience towards the science and research topics. She was awarded the Westpac Future scholarship in 2017.

On her channel she explains about the History of Physics and Maths, she explains how to learn Maths with the ease. She also explains the science concepts and Currently she explaining the greatest research paper all time like Einstein, Tesla etc.

This week she published her latest video explained about the Marie Curie PhD Thesis. Thesis explains about how Marie Curie detected the Radium after several years of Hard work also explains physical illness she faced while she was exposed to radioactive material.
Marie Curie Physicist(1867-1934) Discovered-Radium and Polonium. Marie Curie got two Noble Prize
  • first : In 1903,she shared the Nobel Prize with her husband for research in spontaneous radiation discovered by Becquerel.
  • Second: in 1911 for her work in radioactivity.

below link takes you to the latest video from Toby about the Marie Curie Thesis, (

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Lunar Eclipse on June 5 2020

Lunar Eclipse an event happens when Earth moves between the Sun and Moon. This Lunar Eclipse will be seen from Europe, Asia, Australia, Southeast South America. This Eclipse happen on June 5 from 11.15pm to June 6 2.34 am IST. There are three types of solar eclipse Total, Partial, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse(this going to happen on June 5). Penumbral means region between the Full shadow of planet and Full illumination of planet This the second lunar eclipse of the year first happens on Jan 10 and upcoming eclipse on Nov 29.

Planets and Wonders of Life

Planets and Wonders of life series currently streaming on Sony Liv (India).


This series is officially broadcast on BBC Two. This series explains about formation of our Solar System.

Series consists of five Episodes , First two episode explain about the Inner Planets (Mercury , Venus , Earth and Mars. The third and fourth episode explain about the Gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, final Episode explains about the Uranus and Neptune.

Wonders of Life:

This series also contains five episodes and explain about the formation of life and show how complex organisms exist on Earth.

Both the series are presented by Brian Cox Scientist . He also presented Wonders of Universe , Wonders of Solar System, Human universe.

While all the series are available on BBC iPlayer(UK).

Mavan satellite maps the electric currents around the Mars

Recent NASA press release stated that Maven satellite helps to Map the Electric current around the Mars.
These results helps us to know how mars has lost his atmosphere. Magnetic fields around the planets place the crucial role on preventing the planets from solar radiations.
Earth molten core creates the magnetic field that extend from north pole to south pole while this magnetic field will observe the charged particle from the sun. while in Mars there are no Magnetic fields as earth instead mars has induced magnetosphere this has been formed with the help of sun charged particles.
According to latest research the solar wind and induced magnetic field near mars cause the mars to behave as sphere carrying the electric current,these currents leads to disappearance of atmosphere in mars.
for full press release please click on the link(

Pale Blue Dot

Pale Blue Dot

This Earth Image is taken from Voyager1 on Feb14-1990. This Image taken at 6 billion km from earth distance is similar to 40 times the distance between the sun and earth. The idea to capture the image from the long distance is given by the scientist – Carl Sagan.

Pale Blue Dot
Yesterday is the 30th anniversary of the image so NGC uploaded the video on YouTube in remembrance of Carl Sagan.