Every year ARM releases the new GPU and CPU architecture this year they have announced Mali-G78(GPU) and Cortex -A78(CPU)
This GPU has support latest API for VULKAN and OpenCL. This GPU is 25% more performance compare to previous version also less energy consumption(30% energy reduction).This latest architecture supports upto 24 cores of GPU.
for more information please check the official link:(https://developer.arm.com/ip-products/graphics-and-multimedia/mali-gpus/mali-g78-gpu)
This CPU is 20% more powerful and 50% power efficient compare to previous generation. It has a MAX cache of L1-64kB, L2- 512kB, L3-4MB
for more information please check the official link:(https://developer.arm.com/ip-products/processors/cortex-a/cortex-a78)