OSIRIS-REx HomeComing


Osiris- Rex satellite is returning back to earth from Benu Asteroid .

Osiris -Rex is the mission to collect the sample from the Asteriod Benu, this mission launched in September 8 2016 from Florida.

In August 2018 it has approached Benu and following month we can see the clear picture of Benu. After serious of flights around the Benu, scientist spotted the best place to take the sample and in October 2020 satellite touch the Benu for the Brief moment and collected the samples .

After the collection of sample from Benu, satellite moved to safe distance and sample was safely sealed. The mass of collection sample might be between 60g to 2000g.

On October 22 2020 Osiris-Rex Departure from benu orbit and continued its journey to Earth.

Rex will returned to earth by Sep 24, 2023. When satellite reached the earth orbit it will release it capsule and that will safely fall into the Utah desert.


Benu Discovered in 1999 and its radius is 262 m. Benu is confirmed potentially hazardous asteroid and we have chance of 0.037 hitting the earth between 2175 to 2199.

For Detailed information please visit Nasa Website Link as follows : https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/osiris-rex/in-depth/